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Review: A group of young friends from the Bronx fight to save their neighborhood from gentrification...and vampires Runtime: 1 H 25 Min release date: 2020 Blaise Hemingway genres: Horror





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Vampires vs. the Bronx was a cute dare I say, family movie. I don't get the comparisons to The Lost Boys at all. It's a campy decent movie with good young actors, that used a real life issue as it's foundation. Gentrification and re-Genetrification is a serious subject, that has invaded inner cities forever. I think, the use of Vampirism and "taking over" of neighborhoods (that are primarily habituated by people of color) was a unique take. Kudos to the young brothers, who did a good job imo. Check it out, it's definitely not the worst way to spend 1.45 hours. Watch vampires vs. the bronx 2020 full movie online free hd at home.

Watch vampires vs. the bronx 2020 full movie online free hd at home pictures. As racizt and unfunny as possibly can be. typical netflix garbage. Watch vampires vs. the bronx 2020 full movie online free hd at home page. Watch vampires vs. the bronx 2020 full movie online free hd at home tv. The fact that this is a kids film makes it worse in my opinion. The entire film is just ' woke' nonsense thinly veiled in a vampire movie.
Putting the blatant racism to one side for a moment, the kids did a pretty good job.
I wish people would just make films and tell stories, and leave their 'fashionable' left-wing ideology out of it. (We get it Netflix "white people are the worst" ha ha ha.

Watch vampires vs. the bronx 2020 full movie online free hd at home video. Watch vampires vs. the bronx 2020 full movie online free hd at home camera. Think of the Evil Dead and Night of the Living Dead, but with less quality and less production funds, not as funny nor as interesting.
The movie really was terrible. Vampires move in to The Bronx for some reason? There was no logic behind the script. The acting was actually OK and they had some special effects which I think accounted for 90% of their entire budget. The rest of the special effects were low tech.
I can't recommend this movie for any reason other than if you need to familiarize your self with terrible movie so in the future you'll be able to use it for comparison.

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